July 27, 2013

Mystery Behavior Chart, Detective Behavior Chart Free

Like my page on Facebook and get this item for free or you can buy if from TPT.

How do you use it?
1. Glue it to black construction paper and laminate it.
2. A set of clothespins with the name of each student written on each one.
3. You clip the clothespins to the edges of Clued In and Ready to Learn.
4. Throughout the day, students move their clothespin up or down according to their behavior. You have the choice to let them move their cards back to the middle at the end of the day or at the end of the week.

Behavior Chart
1. Super Sleuths
2. Hot on the Trail
3. Clued in and ready to learn.
4. Who is your alibi?
5. Suspect

My next project is a mystery theme job chart.


  1. I love this! Detectives is absolute favourite theme and I love using deductive reasoning activities. Fantastic blog!


  2. AnonymousJune 14, 2024

    Where can I find your job chart? Love this.

  3. AnonymousJuly 20, 2024

    Love this. It will help with learning and behavior in my class.
